Tennessee Firearms Association
TFA is a nonprofit IRS 501c4 "issue advocacy" organization whose mission is to promote, preserve and protect in Tennessee the rights recognized by the 2nd Amendment. TFA is actively engaged in grassroots support, legislative engagement and increasingly in court battles to remove infringements on those rights. These podcasts are intended to provide information regarding legislation, court cases and the law pertaining to firearms owners and their rights in Tennessee.
Tennessee Firearms Association
Dan Mandis (99.7 FM Nashville) interview with John Harris concerning Beeler on January 25, 2023
John Harris
Season 2
Episode 33
Dan Mandis (99.7 FM Nashville) on January 25, 2023 interview with John Harris concerning the agreed order in the Beeler v. Jeff Long that was submitted to a federal district judge on January 23, 2023. In that agreed order, the state of Tennessee admits that its ban on most 18-20 year olds being eligible for handgun permits or to engage in permitless carry is an unconstitutional law that also constitutes a federal civil rights violation.