Tennessee Firearms Association
TFA is a nonprofit IRS 501c4 "issue advocacy" organization whose mission is to promote, preserve and protect in Tennessee the rights recognized by the 2nd Amendment. TFA is actively engaged in grassroots support, legislative engagement and increasingly in court battles to remove infringements on those rights. These podcasts are intended to provide information regarding legislation, court cases and the law pertaining to firearms owners and their rights in Tennessee.
Tennessee Firearms Association
What should the role of Tennessee's governor be in legislation?
John Harris
Season 1
Episode 28
In Tennessee, the constitution provides that the people elected legislators and the governor. Those are two separate branches of government. The legislators have the constitutional duty to enact laws that reflect the public policy decisions of the state. In a constitutional republic, the legislature is typically closer to and more accountable to the people - and should be. In contrast the governor is only an administrator. It is not the job of the governor to set or determine public policy - the job of the governor is to implement and enforce the laws enacted by the legislature.